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Hydroponic Food Production
- 2620 грн
- Автор: Howard M. Resh
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 2012
- Страниц: 560
- Склад: В наличии
Hydroponic Food Production: A Definitive Guidebook for the Advanced Home Gardener and the Commercial Hydroponic Grower, Seventh Edition is a comprehensive guide to soilless culture with extensively new and updated contents from the previous edition published in 2001. Meant for hobby and commercial growers, the book:
Shows the reader how to set up a hydroponic operation with the options of using any of the many hydroponic cultures presently used in the industry to grow vegetable crops
Provides background in plant physiology and nutrition essential for growing these crops
Describes nutrient formulations and their applications in nutrient solutions with calculations
This practical guide to soilless growing practices provides detailed information on how to design, set up, and operate hydroponic culture systems. Featuring more than 500 photographs, drawings, and tables, the seventh edition of this bestselling book has been extensively updated and expanded. The text describes the most successful growing cultures to use with specific crops and details media as well as hydroponic techniques. Chapters cover nutrient uptake and mixing as well as deficiencies and their symptoms, plant nutrition, nutrient solution, water culture, tropical hydroponics and special applications, plant culture, nutrient film technique, gravel culture, and more.
- ISBN: 9781439878675
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,190г