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Гормональна дерматологія (A Guide to Hormonal Dermatology)
- 6800 грн
- Автор: Ramanjit Singh, Nidhi Sharma
- Издательство: Springer
- Год издания: 2024
- Страниц: 175
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
This book covers all aspects of how various Hormonal diseases affect Skin Health. It covers essential parts of the most common Hormonal disease - Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), i.e., its Pathogenesis, investigations, and individual clinical features with their Line of management.
Chapters also provide information about other common yet less discussed hormonal issues like- Diabetes, Thyroid disease, and obesity affecting the skin and what signs and symptoms should be looked for in such patients for early diagnosis and treatment.
Hence, this book assists Dermatologists, Consulting Physicians, Post Graduates, and Interns in a holistic understanding and practical management of standards as well as other miscellaneous issues like Diet and Hormones and Urticaria and Hormones.
Overview of Endocrinology
Obesity and Skin
Vitamin D and Skin
Thyroid Disorders and the Skin
Cutaneous Manifestations of Diabetes
Pathophysiology of PCOS
PCOS Investigations and Clinical Implications
PCOD-Management of ACNE
Management of Pigmentation in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Management of Hirsutism in PCOS
PCOS-Management of Androgenetic Alopecia
Counselling in Hair Transplant Patient
Importance of Nutrition & Diet in PCOS
Urticaria and Hormones
- ISBN: 978-981-99-7714-7
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 500г