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Cambridge University Press

Діагностична і оперативна гістероскопія
4200 грн
This expert guide will help readers learn about the role of hysteroscopy in the management of a range of common and less common gynaecological problems. In particular, the book covers the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial and uterine anatomical abnormalities that are associated with abnormal uterine bleeding and impairment of reproduction. Contemporary ..
Основы психофармакологии (Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology : Neuroscientific Basi..
5500 грн
Long established as the preeminent source in its field, the eagerly anticipated fifth edition of Dr Stahl's essential textbook of psychopharmacology is here! With its use of icons and figures that form Dr Stahl's unique 'visual language', the book is the single most readable source of information on disease and drug mechanisms for all students and mental hea..