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Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy
- 2704 грн
- Автор: Walter Hendelman, M.D.
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 2015
- Страниц: 328
- Склад: Под заказ
Understanding how the brain is organized and visualizing its pathways and connections can be conceptually challenging. The Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy, Third Edition addresses this challenge by presenting a clear visual guide to the human central nervous system (CNS). This edition has been completely reorganized to facilitate learning the structure and function of the CNS. The material provided gives you a solid understanding of the brain.
This edition:
Presents an instructive format that fosters a thorough understanding of complex neuroanatomy, emphasizing the functional perspective and supplemented with clinical aspects
Incorporates enhanced illustrations, retaining the selective labeling of the nuclei and tracts (pathways)
Includes new material explaining the visual system, meninges, venous system, and limbic system
Features a substantial increase in the number of neuroradiological (CT and MRI) images
An accompanying Web site (www.atlasbrain.com) includes the book’s illustrations along with rollover labeling, animation of the pathways and connections, a glossary, and narrated video demonstrations of the brain.
- ISBN: 9781466585348
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 910г